307 8th Ave Madison, MN 778 US Hwy 75 Ortonville, MN
320-598-3332 Madison
320-839-2896 Ortonville
Interest delayed
Interest on premium due 9-30-2020 is delayed until 11-30-2020. Interest will attach to any unpaid premium on 12-1-2020.
Sign up is approaching
March 15 will be here soon. Your MPCI policy is automatically renewed, but if you want to make changes this needs to be done by March 16 (since the 15th is a Sunday). March 15 is also the deadline to sign up for the farm program at your local FSA office for the 2019-20 crop years. We have links for more information on our links page.
Interest Waived
Interest is being waived on MPCI and HAIL policies through January 31. Interest will attach on unpaid premium February 1, 2020. Must be paid in full by March 15, 2020.
Silage acres require an appraisal to convert production to bushels – you must notify us before chopping.
Co-mingling production on top of last year’s can only be done if the company inspects the bin before adding new crop.
Keeping load records by field will greatly assist in any claim situation this fall no matter how to store or sell grain.