
Haugen Insurance Agents write named peril products for RCIS.

** Multi-peril crop insurance (MPCI) covers crop losses caused by natural events. **

Some of the plans offered in our area are:

* You can elect coverage ranging from 50% up to 85% in 5% increments.

* Your farms are set up in units.  Each farm within a section that has the same shareholders is considered a unit.  If you have multiple units, you may set up optional units, basic units, or enterprise units.  If you have irrigated and non-irrigated land, you may qualify to separate them as different units.  Multi County Enterprise unit only applies if you farm in 2 counties

Multi-County Enterprise Unit
This is when you farm in two separate counties but only one county qualifies for EU.  You are able to combine the two counties so it is all under the EU structure.

SCO – Supplemental Coverage Option
If you sign up for PLC at the FSA office, you are eligible to purchase this county based policy on top of your MPCI up to 86%.

ECO – Enhanced Coverage Option
This is a county based subsidized policy on top of your multi-peril policy from 86% to 95%.


Click here for additional coverage options.


Beginning Farmer and Rancher and Veteran Farmer and Rancher (BFR and VFR).  If you are a beginning farmer, meaning you have farmed less than 5 years, or a veteran farmer you may be eligible for extra subsidies and waiver of certain fees along with other extras.  If you farmed while serving in active military or in college, those years can be excluded.  Contact an HIA agent today if you think you might qualify.