307 8th Ave Madison, MN 778 US Hwy 75 Ortonville, MN
320-598-3332 Madison
320-839-2896 Ortonville
Downloadable Newsletter Version OFFICE GUIDELINES Our offices are open for business. We rarely have more than a couple people inside at a time, so we don’t feel crowding or distancing
Read FullDownloadable Newsletter Version 2020 PRICES The prices in the chart reflect February average market closing through the 24th. The final price will be nominally different, but these can confidently be
Read FullInterest is being waived on MPCI and HAIL policies through January 31. Interest will attach on unpaid premium February 1, 2020. Must be paid in full by March 15, 2020.
Read FullSilage acres require an appraisal to convert production to bushels – you must notify us before chopping. Co-mingling production on top of last year’s can only be done if the
Read FullDownloadable Newsletter Version RECORD TYPES As you enter production into the APH report, remember to mark the record type as well as total bushels. Each APH form will have a
Read FullDownloadable Newsletter Version 2019 PRICES The prices in the chart below reflect the February average market closing through the 15th and will change slightly after the final 8 trading days
Read FullDownloadable Newsletter Version RECORD TYPES A production report will be included for each operator and their will be a new box to fill in called ‘Record Type.’ Beginning this fall,
Read FullDownloadable Newsletter Version 2018 PRICES Your federally subsidized crop insurance will use something close to these figures to calculate your insurance guarantees for spring planted crops. These figures reflect the
Read FullDownloadable Newsletter Version PASTURE/RANGE/FORAGE If you have any hay, grass, alfalfa, or pasture land, PRF coverage from Peter and Tim is definitely worth looking into. Unlike the old APH policy
Read FullDownloadable Newsletter Version INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENTS SPECIALIZING IN MULTI-PERIL AND CROP HAIL COVERAGE SINCE 1986 POLICY CHANGE Wednesday, March 15th is the final day to change most insurance coverage options.
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